@php $filters = ['All', 'Frontend', 'Dashboard']; @endphp @extends('panel.layout.settings', ['disable_tblr' => true]) @section('title', __('Themes and skins')) @section('titlebar_actions', '') @section('settings')

@lang('Available Themes')

@lang('Customize the visual appearence of MagicAI with a single click and complement the design principles of your brand identity. ')

{{-- data --}} @foreach ($items ?? [] as $theme)
@if ($theme['version'] != $theme['db_version'] && $theme['slug'] != 'default' && $theme['installed'])

Update Available

@endif {{ $theme['name'] }} @lang('Live Preview')

@if ($theme['price'] > 0) false, // Free themes 'bg-primary' => true, // Premium themes ])> @lang('Premium Theme') @else true, // Free themes 'bg-primary' => false, // Premium themes ])> @lang('Free Theme') @endif



@php if ($theme['slug'] == 'default') { $is_active = setting('front_theme') == 'default' && setting('dash_theme') == 'default'; } else { $is_active = setting('front_theme') == $theme['slug'] || setting('dash_theme') == $theme['slug']; } $link = !$theme['licensed'] ? route('dashboard.admin.themes.buyTheme', ['slug' => $theme['slug']]) : route('dashboard.admin.themes.activate', ['slug' => $theme['slug']]); if ($is_active) { if ($theme['version'] != $theme['db_version'] && $theme['slug'] != 'default') { $is_active = false; $text = trans('Update'); } else { $text = trans('Activated'); } } else { if ($theme['licensed']) { $text = trans('Activate'); } else { $text = trans('Buy now'); } } @endphp {{ $text }}
@endsection @push('script') @endpush